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  • Writer's pictureMr Simon Garrett

How To Enjoy Your Holiday with a New Hip

How To Enjoy Your Holiday with a New Hip

Ah, summer! A time of sun, sand, and adventure. But if you enter the summer months with a new hip, you may be considering just how to approach a holiday without getting into hot water. Don't sweat it! We've got some savvy tips that will help you enjoy your break to the fullest, all while taking good care of that new hip.

This blog will offer practical advice for anybody on the move with a new hip this summer, from planning regular rest breaks and using mobility aids to consulting with your surgeon and understanding the best times for travel - it's all covered in this guide. Are you ready to jump in and make your summer vacation as easy as your new hip? Let's dive in!

Planning a great holiday post-hip replacement:

Travelling after a hip replacement comes with its own set of challenges and considerations. Medical experts generally advise against travelling abroad—whether by road, sea, or air—for at least six weeks following your surgery. This period allows your body to heal sufficiently and reduces the risk of complications like deep vein thrombosis (DVT) from prolonged sitting.

Tip 1: Know When To Travel

Short Haul Travel: After 6 weeks post-operation, you might feel up to short haul travel but this means those flights which last 6 hours or less. This keeps your new hip exposed to a more realistic duration where you're still and confined to a seat.

Long Haul Travel: To be honest, travelling should not occur before at least 12 weeks for journeys much longer than six hours. In this way, by giving yourself this time, you ensure the hip is more fully recovered and you are better placed to deal with the extended periods of sitting associated with long flights.

Tip 2: Planned Regular Rest Breaks

Take frequent rests during the day if you are very active, perhaps while shopping or sightseeing. This will give your body some much-needed rest from sitting, thus lessening the pressure on your new hip and maintaining your comfort levels.

Tip 3: Use Mobility or Support Aids

Don’t hesitate to use any prescribed mobility aids such as canes, walkers, or even a portable folding chair. These aids are invaluable for providing support and stability as you navigate new terrain.

Tip 4: Consult Your Surgeon

Always discuss your travel plans with your surgeon before leaving. He may give you some personalised advice based on your recovery, the risks you may encounter, and safety tips related to your health.

Tip 5: Be Active

Whereas rest is of great importance, light activity is equally important. Walking is the best activity to engage in after hip replacement. It will help strengthen the muscles around the new joint and advance mobility around the body. Take note to do only what you can and not more than your body allows.

Tip 6: Hydrate

Of much essence to be able to maintain good health, especially on long journeys, is to keep rehydrating. Drinking lots of water will, in turn, be an effective way of keeping the body joints lubricated, important for anyone who may have recently undergone hip replacement surgery. Water also prevents clotting and will keep you energy-filled all through the journey.


A little planning and thought for your hip can make even a new hip a part of a fun and safe summer holiday. All these tips put together mean you are on a fast track to making lots of great memories on your vacation—memories that are full of comfort and happiness rather than discomfort and anxiety!

Have a great holiday wherever you are off to. Feel free to save this link somewhere and take it with you on your adventures.


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